Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Freezing Your Body?!

Would you ever freeze your body to help with medical advancements?! A man named Richard Leis Jr is trying to get a second chance at life if it gets cut short. Meanwhile, he's paying $22 a month into a life insurance policy that would provide $250,000 if he dies young.That's enough freeze his body at minus 196 degrees Celsius and store it indefinitely at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. He hoping for a medical advances that could bring him and others back to life. . The minimum cost for freezing and storing a body is $150,000 and the minimum cost for only the head and brain is $80,000. Living members are required to pay annual membership fees ranging from about $100 to $400. Many are saying cyronics is another advancement to bring yourself back to life. There was a recent test on a rabbit's kidney that was thawed and transplanted back in correctly. Arthur Caplan, a professor of bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, has thought about people being frozen should think about what it would be like to come back into life. For example, a person revived in the future wouldn't have any idea what is going on in that time. There are many beliefs that cryonic will work and if it does it will save many lives.


Jack said...

that stuff is crazy and somewhat sick... cool info :-)

Amanda Lawson said...

Woah that is so werid. I never thought of freezing your body before. Although I don't think I would wan to do that if I were to die. I wouldn't want to live that way.

Justine said...

wow maddie thats stuff is really weird. but great info

Emily said...

O my god thats crazy! i would never do that!