Today, The medical research that we developed is helping our society today. Conducting medical research is one way our society addresses health concerns. I want to reasearch new medical advances that are helping people today. For example, the discovery of Stem Cell Research. I will also research the positive and negatives and how they effect people.
Here is a link to a time line of medical advances:
Here is a link to a time line of medical advances:
The first medical advancement I examined was Stem Cell research. Stem Cell research is a discovery of a new technology to take primitive human cells and develop the human cells in to 220 varieties of cells in a human body. Since Congress has passed the law for Stem Cell research there has been lots of controversy between the pros and cons. What are some pros and cons of Stem Cell reasearch? One of the postive studies of stem cell reserach is the fact it could help in many medical fields. For example, neural cells in the brain and spinal cord that have been damaged can be replaced by stem cells. In the treatment of cancer, cells destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy can be replaced with new healthy stem cells that adapt to the affected area, whether it be part of the brain, heart, liver, or lungs. (http://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/pros-and-cons-of-stem-cell-research.htm) Billions of dollars can be put into this reasearch. The negative effects of stem cell reaserach come into play when the embryonic stem cells for reasearch involves the destruction of blastocysts formed from laboratory-fertilized human eggs.(http://biotech.about.com/od/bioethics/i/issuestemcells_2.htm) The people who valume human life at conception do not believe in embryonic stem cell research because the devolpment of stem cells from this type of an embryo requires its destruction. Some believe this could be considered murder because it is considered a human life being killed. What do you think about Stem Cell Research? Do you believe this a good medical advancement?
Hey maddie!!!! I think that stem cell reaserch is good but i also think it is bad. It is good because it can treat many types of cancer and other diseases. I also think it is bad because it distroys the embryo.
Very true Maddie, I think that steam cell research is something that is ruining babies lives each day. Why are we putting billions of dollars towards research of destruction of cells? No, Maddie, I do not believe that this is a good medical advancement. Helpless babies are being killed each day in their embryos. I think the government needs to waste its money on something that might actually help save peoples lives, like cancer and steam cell research, but not embryos.
Nice topic Maddie. Very controversial. :D Not quite sure what I think about it.
I think stem cell research has more positive effects than negative ones. I think it's really good that after some cells are destroyed during chemotherapy they are able to replace them.
I agree with you Connor, I don't belivie that we should be putting babies at risk for a cure that we could find other ways. There are plenty of other things the goverment could be spending their money on.
I also agree with Conner, i think we should really try to study more about chromosomes and such things so that we can therefor understand more about birth defects and quite possibly save lives.
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